March 14, 2013

"Remember Me" - Season 05, Episode 05

- by Karen

PC Penhale's ex-wife, Maggie, visits Portwenn. It's not what you think ~ unless you think she comes back with a case of amnesia and thinks she's still married to Joe. Then you'd be right. It's difficult for Joe because he still loves her and he's torn between keeping her to himself for a day or getting her some medical help. Love will do that to ya. Well, if you're PC Penhale, anyway. Hard to hide a person in love with PC in Portwenn so getting medical help prevails.

The baby's name is now up for serious discussion - because they have only a few days to decide. Louisa wants James; the Doc want's Henry. Hmm.. which will he choose? That's right, the Doc makes the final decision. Just like he made the final decision for the paint color in their new London apartment. Louisa can't decide whether to be happy he took the initiative or be angry that... he took the initiative. He doesn't seem to understand that Louisa wants some say in matters dealing with their new family. He'll learn fast enough. All men do, right?

Meanwhile, Al and Aunt Ruth seem to be getting closer - or at least Al is feeling comfortable enough to share some issues he's having with his dad. Bert is dancing around the idea of borrowing money from a loan shark. He doesn't want Al to think he can't run the restaurant on his own, but bills need to be paid and the bank is calling. He tried to sell off a few things but to no avail. In the end, Bert takes the bait so get ready for a bumpy ride.

This episode brings us more fainting, a (almost) police house-quickie (if the station is a rockin'...), a titillating chess match (who knew?!), a serious case of acute generitis, and, of course, Boris.

Enjoy Remember Me...

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