October 25, 2012

"The Morning After (Movement)" - Season 03, Episode 02

- by Karen Haviley

In this episode we discover what idea Bert’s been mulling over these last few weeks: he’s opening a restaurant. Yes. That’s right. Bert’s opening a restaurant. That should help his depression. Or at the very least it should help him develop new medical ailments.

Pauline is heading off to her Phlebotomy course in Truro for a couple of days so her replacement, Poppy, is filling in. Things start off well with Poppy and the Doc which Pauline doesn’t see coming, so she gives her some advice to help secure her position upon her return.

A young girl is struggling with her teenage ‘physical development’ and comes to see the Doc for treatment (can you imagine?). His instincts are spot on and after initiating an innovative plan, her confidence is soaring.

Louisa invites the Doc over for dinner on the night of Bert’s grand opening. The Doc shows up, not with flowers or wine, but with a bag of yams. You know, to help her iron-poor blood since she’s anemic. I mean, c’mon, flowers die in a few days, right? And with yams you get..... nah, I’m not digging him out of that one.

The dinner doesn’t go as planned and they end up at Bert’s restaurant. The Doc makes a gruesome discovery in his salad and that ends that. Or so he thinks.

The town has come down with some kind of virus and everyone’s at the surgery the next day. The common denominator seems to be Bert’s restaurant. But not.. so.. fast, Dr. Ellingham.....

It’s another beautiful day in Portwenn! Don’t you wish your own town was so exciting on a daily basis?

Enjoy the ride, folks... we've got Movement.

TRIVIA QUESTION: (2 parts) What is the actor’s name that plays Mick Mabely AND what other show was he on with Martin Clunes?

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SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets

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October 18, 2012

"Tick Tock (The Apple Doesn't Fall)" - Season 03, Episode 01

- by Karen Haviley

This looks like a good start to Season 3, no?

Not to burst your bubble, but this is about as close as they get to any kind of intimacy in this episode. Again.

Meanwhile, we get to meet the new policeman in town: PC Joseph Penhale. He has a couple of issues from the start giving you a little insight that in Portwenn... he’ll fit right in.

A young girl in town is suffering from - as diagnosed by the Doc - ACS (Annoying Child Syndrome). Or maybe it was NCS? (I’ll let you figure that one out.) In any case, she’s jumping on cars, riding around on the back of pick up trucks and flatbeds until she gets ‘dropped off’ at the corner store. Her mom begged for meds to help but decided to help herself to PC Penhale’s prescription the Doc left on Pauline’s desk.

Al is out exploring the world and now Bert is feeling depressed. Or Bipolar. He’s not quite sure, but something definitely needs changing in his life. He comes to discuss it with the Doc who gets his say on what he thinks Bert's problem might be. Good thing his remarks weren't offensive.... In any case, Bert just lets it roll of his back and you get the feeling that he has a few ideas up his sleeve to shake things up. And we can't wait to find out!

Pauline is given an opportunity to expand her position at the surgery. A new job that will hopefully help the Doc keep his lunch down each day. She can’t wait to start -- and can’t wait for a raise. But we get another glimpse of what she might be spending her money on these days.

It’s all in a days work in Portwenn. The sun, the surf, the surgery, the ever growing sexual tension between the Doc and Louisa...  Wait. Can you hear it? Yep, folks it’s the Tick Tock of someone’s clock (and it's definitely not ours!).

Enjoy the episode!

TRIVIA QUESTION: What do the initials/credentials after the Doc's name stand for?

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

October 11, 2012

Special: "On the Edge - Part Deux"

- by Karen Haviley

Oh boy... Al has a big question for Pauline. And the question includes a small box he places in front of her during their romantic candlelight... luncheon.

Louisa finally gets the truth out of Terry and she feels humiliated that she’s been defending him all these years to her friends. She asks him to leave town immediately. But not before stopping to pick up Jonathan.. unsuccessfully.

The Doc’s review in front of the board doesn’t go very well which makes Louisa fear that he doesn’t care if he leaves Portwenn... or her. Which is precisely what she tells him.

Just when things seem to be calming down, Jonathan shows up demanding Louisa call her father back to town. They have business to take care of. And Jonathan hasn’t been taking his meds. So you can’t quite tell if he’ll actually use that knife he’s wielding around at everyone in the surgery or if he's just goofing around.

But our courageous Doc makes several attempts to overtake the hostage situation. 
‘Attempts’ is the operative word here, of course.

And we find out in the end that all of this commotion, including the baker’s bacterial infection, is related to a few extremely rare birds that have decided to nest on the cliffs near Portwenn -- whose eggs are worth a fortune.

Who gets to the eggs first? Did Jonathan finally find that damn microchip? Is there a candlestick maker in town? Who is leaving Portwenn? Did the Doc successfully throw a plugged-in lamp at Jonathan to divert his attention and rescue the group?

Ahh... the answers to these very exciting events and more await you in this fine conclusion to... On the Edge...

TRIVIA QUESTION: Where is Al supposed to meet the Spanish troller to pick up the package?

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

October 4, 2012

Special: "On the Edge - Part 1"

- by Karen Haviley

Opening scene: Something’s amiss in Portwenn. The Doc and Louisa are tied to separate chairs and Louisa is apologizing.

This can’t be good.

Louisa’s dad is in town and we already know something's up when she introduces him to the Doc as ‘Terry’ and not ‘Dad.’ Perfect timing, too, as the Doc has just asked Louisa out on a date. Yes, a real date. But Louisa was so stunned to see her father that the question floated right over her head. Terry’s not welcome in Portwenn by the locals. This is clear.

Louisa senses Terry's not in Portwenn to see her. Especially when his Bipolar (and quite humorous) cohort, Jonathan, arrives in town much to Terry's surprise. Jonathan raises a few eyebrows when he attacks the local bar’s parrot he believes is implanted with a government microchip. 

There’s another new man in town, Gavin Peters. He's asking questions about Martin. He’s an annoyance like everyone else in Portwenn is to the Doc, but this particular annoyance can cost him his job. And ultimately, Louisa.

Auntie Joan fills in the blanks about Terry and it all makes sense. All except to Louisa who still wants to believe her dad has been ‘misrepresented’ in local gossip. But when the Doc explains what he’s heard from Auntie Joan... well, the photo above explains it all.

Oh yeah... and Bert opens 'Large Bird Watching Tours' -- using the Police car PC Mylow entrusted to him while he’s out of town. (Surprised? Didn't think so.)

Does Jonathan have a thing for Mrs. Tishell? Will Pauline be accepted to Nursing school?  Does the Colonel still have breasts? Will the Doc be removed from Portwenn? And how on earth did Auntie Joan get shot?

The mysteries keep unfolding in the first part of this special two-part episode of Doc Martin. Put the kettle on and pull up a chair because it’s time to discuss... On the Edge.

TRIVIA QUESTION: Mrs. Tishell has referred to the ‘MHRA’ in a couple of episodes. What is ‘MHRA’ an acronym for? 

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

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SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2