July 26, 2012

"Haemophobia" - Season 01, Episode 06

- by Karen Haviley

The final episode in this series, the locals in Portwenn decide it’s time to let the Doc know that they are fully aware of his blood phobia by staging an emergency at the pub. You can imagine how well this goes over.

Peter Cronk is feeling misunderstood, as well, and ends up helping himself and the Doc get over the local teasing that’s been going on by having a REAL emergency.

And surprise, surprise, the Doc once again completely screws up a romantic opportunity with Louisa.

A great ending to the first season... enjoy Haemophobia.

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

July 19, 2012

"Of All the Harbors in All the Towns" - Season 01, Episode 05

- by Karen Haviley

Aunt Joan meets up with an old lover that has come to town by crashing his dinghy into the harbor's shore. 

The Doc doesn’t approve, but he has his own problems as a local teen develops a crush and sets her sights on the older and more distinguished Doc Martin.

Then it finally happens... Elaine breaks up with Greg. Al decides he needs to strike while the iron is hot and can’t help himself but to show her what she’s been missing. Will she fall for our sweet Al Large?

All stories of love and loss.

Welcome to Casablanca... Portwenn-style....

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!


On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

July 15, 2012

'Portwenn Effect' Trivia Winner!

Congrats to Sheri Biffle (aka 'Biff')! She was the first to answer the trivia question correctly!

Q: What is the name of the dance that Lousia is buying tickets to attend?

A: The Portwenn Players' Dance

Thanks for listening and for writing in, Sheri!


July 12, 2012

"The Portwenn Effect" - Season 01, Episode 04

- by Karen Haviley

PC Mylow has a date and feels he needs to be ‘better prepared’ for the possible evening events so he visits the Doc for some advice on the male-enhancement ‘meds’ he’s ordered via post. The Doc is thrown off his game when he finds out PC Mylow’s date is none other than Louisa. It’s all a big misunderstanding... or is it?

No time to think about that. The Doc needs to make a house call to the local ranger with whom he seems to make a connection -- if it weren't for the invisible giant squirrel that lives with the ranger, of course.

At the end of the day, Portwenn has made an impression on the Doc. This time in a good way!

Grab yourself a listen to Episode 4 -
The Portwenn Effect....

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

July 8, 2012

Trivia Winner!

Thanks to all of you that emailed us with your answers to the trivia questions!

We are happy to say that one listener wrote in with all three answers...

Congratulations to Eileen from Southern California!

Here's the breakdown:

Episode one -

Q: What was the name of the festival the town was celebrating down by the beach?
A: Life Boat Days

Episode two - 

Q: What was the name of Carmen's dog? (Carmen was the fiance of Elaine's dad)
A: Lady Lancelot

Episode three - 

Q: What is the significance of the character name: Emily Braithwaite?
A: Emily is the name of Martin Clunes' daughter; Braithwaite is the last name of Martin's wife, Philippa.

We'll have a new trivia question when the new podcast episode is posted on Thursday, July 12th so stay tuned.

And thanks again to all who emailed!

July 5, 2012

"Sh*t Happens" - Season 01, Episode 03

- by Karen Haviley

The Doc makes a few mistakes that has the Portwennians ready to pack him up and ship him out. The town has a "case of the lurky" so between scaring a couple dozen kids out of the pool, going on the radio to tell the town to stop drinking Portwenn tap water  -- all before actually having the water tested, mind you -- and lending an ear to a frustrated Bert, the Doc can't catch a break.

All is not lost, however, as the Doc and Luisa go out on their first date. Well.. sort of.

Enjoy the appropriately named Episode 3 -
Sh*t Happens....

If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2

July 1, 2012

"Gentlemen Prefer" - Season 01, Episode 02

- by Karen Haviley

In Episode 2 we find the Doc settling in to his surgery... and getting used to his receptionist...and his patients. Easier said than done.

Elaine gets sacked (no surprise but what a mistake!), the dog won't leave him alone and the people of Portwenn have turned the surgery into a café. And we finally get to see our favorite Doc's phobia in action (in all its disgusting detail)!
As much as he would like to leave behind this obnoxiously quaint little town... there's always Louisa.

Join us for a few laughs and take a listen to Gentlemen Prefer...


If you'd like to comment on the podcast, please join us over on Facebook!

On mobile devices you may need to use this link: 
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/rockthedocpodcast/sets
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-the-doc-podcast/id1168213835?mt=2