July 26, 2012

"Haemophobia" - Season 01, Episode 06

- by Karen Haviley

The final episode in this series, the locals in Portwenn decide it’s time to let the Doc know that they are fully aware of his blood phobia by staging an emergency at the pub. You can imagine how well this goes over.

Peter Cronk is feeling misunderstood, as well, and ends up helping himself and the Doc get over the local teasing that’s been going on by having a REAL emergency.

And surprise, surprise, the Doc once again completely screws up a romantic opportunity with Louisa.

A great ending to the first season... enjoy Haemophobia.

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  1. The end of Hemophobia demonstrates the superb acting talents of Caroline Catz. In the scene where Louisa and the Doc are waiting for word on Peter Cronk's condition, she is so good I still get anxious even though I know it is just a show and that the boy comes out OK. She's one of the best in the business.

    1. You are SO right. That is such a great episode. Caroline Catz is so genuine in each episode that you can't help but relate to her character. She plays the 'every woman' so well.
      And I was waiting for her to go after Adrian Pitts at the end and was thrilled that she did!
      Thanks for listening and for your comments, Jeff!
